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Mother and Son

By: Louise Mercado

A mother’s love is the greatest form of love that all of us can experience in our lives. Each
one of us has felt how mothers love their children; but they are still not perfect. They are the light
of our homes; without them, there will always be the missing piece in the house that cannot be
easily fulfilled by someone, not even your dad. Our mothers will do anything for the family
specially if their children is at stake. A mother will always be the biggest part of our lives.


Sisa is an example of a mother who loves her children dearly. A mother who became insane
because of false accusations thrown at her children who cannot be found. Reading this chapter, I
realized how good of a mother Sisa is. She devoted her life for her family. Although she was
being battered by her husband, she still stayed faithful to him. She endured all the abuse of her
husband for her family. Love can make you do things you thought you can’t. As a mother, you
will not believe in the accusations thrown at your sons because of all people a mother knows
what her child is capable of doing. Despite all the miseries that she experienced, she loved her
sons the most and search everywhere for them but she failed. All the difficulty she experienced
in searching for her sons, she was devastated because it all resulted to nothing; thus driving her
insane. A mother who has been looking for her children plus bearing the accusation and debts
thrown has gone insane.


Misery. Pain. Sadness. As an individual, we all experience the feeling of misery and
hopelessness especially in times of our downfalls and problems. We all know the feeling of
sadness because we lost the presence of a person. I know, that all of us also experience the
feeling of disappointment in hearing false accusations to a person close to us. That I think is what
Sisa feels. A man is not an island; he cannot live alone. We always need a person to tell all our
worries and pain to release our emotions and not let it pile up in our hearts. Pain, sadness and
anger, these emotions can harm ourselves; it can be a reason for a loss. I may not be in the
situation of Sisa but I know the pain of being alone with all the problems that I currently bear.
Not all people has the mental stability of always keeping himself sane in the dark times of our
lives. Not all people is as positive as the sun. Not all the people that surrounds you wants the best

for you; some will make you more miserable and some won’t. At that time, she knew she was
weak; she has no power. She was eaten by her thoughts into making herself into a person who
cannot be of a big help to her situation. She was abused; physically and mentally.


Being a teen, I know that all of us have our own downfalls in life but that should never stop
us in keeping ourselves thinking in the brighter side. We should always have people that will
help us through anything that we are going through in life. Sisa is an example of someone who
has kept the pain to herself and eventually it has taken over her system. She is a woman who
bore all the pain coming from the absence of her children. We may not experience the same
situation as her but pain is still pain. No matter how small or big a situation can get, it can always
cause us pain. Pain should be released and should be felt but with all the support that you can
get. Individually, we all have that urge in ourselves to fight whatever problem that we have
because we know that there is a person that we can always count on, friends, family and of
course, our mothers.


This chapter is about a mother who bore all the pain and sadness of being alone along with
the accusations and the loss of her children. We should always remember that not only a mother
can be driven insane because of what she is feeling; also us, students. A mother will teach you
how to be strong; a mother will always be there for you when you need them but always
remember that they should also be there for themselves. Despite the titles and roles that you have
in your life; as a mother, a student, a friend; you should also be there for yourself. Stand up for
our rights. Never let other people look down on you. Never let your pain bring you down. “Be
positive. Think like a mother. Be your own hero.”

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